Transition into Year 4

We are delighted to welcome your children into year 4 and hope that they are as excited as we are for the year ahead.
As we begin this new academic year, we would like to share some useful information below.
Like previous years, children will be asked to come into school in the appropriate PE kit on their PE days.  These days are as follows;
4LA - Monday (Outdoor),  Wednesday(Indoor)
4SA - Thursday (Outdoor), Tuesday (Indoor)
This year, we will be using Spelling Shed as a tool to learn our spellings. Spelling practise will  take place each week on a Wednesday and children will bring home their spellings to learn on this day. Your child will receive a log in for the spelling shed website which they can use to access spelling games that will match their spellings for that week. You child will have 1 week to learn their spellings and spellings will be tested on the following Wednesday.
Reading books
This year, all children will be given a reading folder (or book bag in they have one) containing their reading book and reading record that is to be taken home each night and returned to school each day. Your child will be given a reading book every Friday which is to be read at home and in school as part of a home- school partnership. Your child's reading record can be used to comment on your child's reading when you listen to them read. We will also use this reading record as a method of communication between home and school, it is therefore vital that it is brought into school each day. 
As a school, we have invested a great deal of funds into our new reading corners in order to ensure that children have access to good quality, age related texts. Your child will have the opportunity to choose a book from the reading corner to take home. Each book contains a sticker which will inform you on the loan period of the text. This ranges from 1 - 3 weeks. Books must be retuned by the end of this period, however can be checked out again if the book remains unfinished. Books that are not returned to school may incur a charge.
If you have any further queries, please do get in touch.
We look forward to meeting you all soon,
Miss Atkinson and Mrs Anderson