Communication for parents/carers

Year 6 raised over £300 on our Enterprise Day-  Look out for photos to follow.
We also enjoyed our creative writing workshop last Friday at the Live theatre, followed by an art activity at the Baltic.  Thankfully the weather held out for us and we were able to enjoy superb views of the bridges over the River Tyne. 
  • Mental Health Day Thursday 10th October- we will be focusing on how we can help our mental health with fun activities throughout the day.
  • Parents/ Carers- check your parent mail for info on the Connect Mental Health online session for parents. 


Earrings and jewellery are not part of school uniform. Any children who have had their ears pierced over the summer holidays will need their earrings covered with tape, until plastic spacers can be inserted. Unfortunately, they will be unable to participate in PE or outdoor activities until earrings can be removed. 

Thank you for your continued support with this. 





This term we have so many exciting activities planned, please check your child's planner regularly and ensure you have up to date contact details for parent mail.
Below is a copy of our Autumn Term Curriculum Map. 
Alongside our curriculum offer we have planned a number of enrichment activities for your child throughout the school year. These are the activities that we have planned for the Autumn term:

Year six

Autumn term enrichment activities:

  • Friends resilience workshop, run by CONNECT mental health. Every Thursday afternoon in school for 8 weeks

  • 27th September End of summer Enterprise day

  • 30th September Diversity workshop

  • 2nd October Green skills renewable energy workshop, run by Newcastle college

  • 4th October Live tales visit to the Live theatre

  • 21st October Harvest collection

  • 22nd October Humanist workshop 

  • 24th October Bridges workshop

  • 8th November Northumbria police crime prevention workshop

  • 20th November English escape room, run by Northumbria university

  • 3rd December Christingle workshop

  • WB 9th December Christmas market enterprise event

  • WB 9th December Christmas Christingle service

  • 10th December Royal Navy activity day

  • 11th December 6ST Monozukuri caravavan visit to Nissan

  • 12th December 6JM Monozukuri caravavan visit to Nissan

  • 13th December School panto

  • 16th December Viva Espana flying theatre visit and French breakfast cafe

  • 19th December Christmas party day