Supporting your dyslexic pupil with home learning.

Support received from North Tyneside dyslexia team- please click on link below:  Any queries or additional support required please contact Cheryl Miller (senco)
If your little one is struggling with home learning due to dyslexia  then there are some useful websites to support both you as a parent/carer and your child/children.
dyslexia assist This website has online guides for parents and activities or links to other websites for children to access for free
Twinkle Dyslexia Support You will need to join this website but it is free. It has a wealth of resources as well as 5 minute listening activities which will help support long term memory
Nessy dyslexia resources Nessy is a fabulous resource for home learning, unfortunately it will cost you £24. There is free 1 week subscription that you could try to see if it is worthwhile for your needs  This is a really good resource and is also available as an app- recommended for any child who struggles to read- based on phonic and decoding.
Brain balance Dyslexia support ideas Activities to support your child at home
If your child struggles with mathematics (dyscalculia), you will find the links below helpful:
Maths exercise Maths exercises that are easy to follow and have a range of different ability levels 
Maths games A collection of games to play as a family or with your siblings
SNIP Literacy Programme - Phil and Carol Smart
The programme is aimed at increasing reading and spelling and uses the primary high frequency words (HFW). These words are grouped by selecting those that visually look different to each other. It is felt that this programme is appropriate for pupils of 8+ with standardised literacy scores of 80 or less, who have already been exposed to effective phonic/literacy teaching but are still struggling. The programme approaches literacy acquisition at the word level and addresses the gaps in phonics knowledge through the application of analytic phonics (drawing pupils’ attention to the make up of words as they break up the target word).
This is a fantastic resource to use with your child at home-  any questions please contact