Supporting mental health and wellbeing of pupils and students during period of disruption

We are aware that these times can be confusing for children and families. If you feel that you need support then North Tyneside Educational Psychology Service can support you. Contact information is below:

Educational Psychology Helpline: 0191 6438739

In response to this situation the Educational Psychology Service (EPS) is providing a helpline to school staff and the parents / carers of children / young people in your school community. The aim of the EPS helpline is to:

· Provide a listening service and reduce levels of anxiety

· Help callers to manage their worries or concerns

· Help parents / carers meet the emotional needs of their children

· Discuss perceived problems and support solution focused thinking

· Navigate through the wealth of resources and services out there, and signpost callers to the most appropriate place(s) for further support.

If you would prefer to speak to a member of the school staff then you can contact your class teacher, Mr Harrison (Head Teacher), Mrs Hawkins (Deputy Head Teacher), Mrs Miller (SENCO) or Mrs Bryson (Behaviour, guidance and support assistant) on the email addresses below:
If you have worries about a child's safeguarding please contact the front door on the link below:
Please find below some links to resources that you may find useful at this time. During children's mental health week earlier in the year we spent time talking to children about how to cope if they are feeling worried or anxious. The children worked with Mrs Bryson and thought of strategies for keeping their minds healthy. There is a link below to the bookmark the children received to remind them of this discussion. 
The attached worry tree prompts children (and adults) to consider the things that we can and can't control. It might be a useful guide to keep us all focused on those things we do have control of in this difficult situation. 
Both websites listed below have useful ideas for both parents/carers and children for keeping safe and supporting mental wellbeing of those in our lives.,SZ24,5QMZYG,3HKEA,1
Counselling advice for children aged 11 and over
Recommended to us by North Tyneside LEA. Kooth is a counselling service available to children and parents/carers over the age of 11.  Please follow the links below for further information.
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