
Login to Times Table Rockstars.  Expectations are to complete tasks regularly- at least 3x a week.  Please ask if your child needs a login. 
We will be sending these home this week, a copy is below.  Your child will receive  a test every Friday and will be expected to complete tasks on www.edshed.com 
Logins will be given this week. 
Your child will bring their reading books home this Friday 7th September, which  must be brought into school every day along with their planners.  Expectations are that they will read regularly- at least 3x a week for 20 minutes or daily for 10 minutes. 
Due to our Enterprise days and our trip to the Live theatre- we will be setting new homework this Friday 11th October.  Please remind your child to bring in their homework books. 
Reminder to sign planners please.
Many thanks