
As part of our current focus on developing creative writers we will be continuing to suggest weekly for every child to complete.  Your child will bring home the suggestions sheet below this Friday 7th June. Please encourage your child to have a go at these. Any questions please feel free to ask.  Homework will be given out every Friday to be returned the following Friday. 
During the Summer Term we will be continuing to use our mental maths strategies to solve calculations.  For this term please remind your child to practise their times tables on Times Tables Rock Stars or Mathsframe activities and look out for our maths homework tasks. 
A HUGE WELL DONE to Mrs Morien's times table group for being fantastic at learning their times tables!
After the half term, we will be focusing on Persuasive writing; in particular Holiday Advertisements.  Your child will be bringing home a task to help prepare for their independent writing. 
Please continue to read regularly- at least 3 times a week.  We will be holding a 'Reading Challenge'  Who can read the most?
Read 20 minutes a day and you'll read 1,800,000 words a year!